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Covid-19 is affecting us all in many different ways with lockdowns, tiers, and restrictions and at Changing Leaves we take this very seriously. 

 Play therapy sessions are classed under mental health services. Due to this, we are allowed to continue working in face-to-face sessions. This is important as we work with the subconscious and needs to be done with the safety of a therapist with your child when in session. This means online sessions is not possible.


If your child is ever unable to attend a session due to self-isolation then a check-in will be done by phone instead. 


In sessions, we will be following the government guidelines for close contact working and will be wearing a face covering and visor.    

Each child will have their own play therapy kit and where multiples of items can not be possible, these will be cleaned efficiently to keep everyone safe. 


Risk assessments for each session will be completed and followed. 


If before a session your child or family are required to self-isolate or become ill please inform us as soon as possible. Your therapist will also follow these guidelines. 

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